Monday, 13 December 2010

Single Fun has a little outing

Friend and photograper, John Walmsley, took the single fun prototype board up to Perran Sands today for some pictures. We all seem to be kicking our heels waiting for waves, but something is going to have to turn up soon!

The point of the shoot? A recce for places to shoot the new boards that are about to join the range. Keep your eyes peeled for new models coming soon!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Boys at the beach

We recently had some T-shirts made and took some boards to the beach in the sun to get some images of them. The shirts are now supplied with any board sold and with the weather getting so cold, we are looking into making some hoodies too!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Working for Bear Surfboards

This last week, Ive been making the first Wooden Wombat for Bear Surfboards. Its now at the Nigel Semmens glassing factory, so finished pics will follow in the next few weeks. Then hopefully more boards!

Photographer John Walmsley has been taking the pics in preparation for getting footage for his own personal project - an environmental surfing movie.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Welcome to the Otter Surfboards Blog!

Hey Dudes!

Welcome to the blog! Here you can find out about everything happening in the world of Otter Surfboards!